
James Mangold To Direct Disney's 'Captain Nemo', Chris Weitz Lines Up Nazi Drama

Looks like those X-Men directors just can't stay away from Jules Verne's classic, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". With Bryan Singer already set to direct a long-developing adaptation of the novel, now comes word that James Mangold, currently prepping The Wolverine 3, is coming on to helm Captain Nemo, the same project David Fincher was previously attached to.

When Fincher was on board he had a script by his Seven scribe, Andrew Kevin Walker, but the director quit to take on Gone Girl, instead. There were also problems finding a big name star to play the titular sea captain as he constructs his warship, the Nautilus. Mangold will have a new script by  Sebastian Gutierrez (The Big Bounce), but this one's not going to roll any time soon. [Deadline]

Also, Chris Weitz (About A Boy, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) continues his unpredictable career path by agreeing to direct an untitled drama about the search for infamous Nazi leader, Adolph Eichmann. As a higher-up in Hitler's SS, Eichman was a key part in organizing the Holocaust, including the transport of Jews to extermination camps. Matthew Orton wrote the screenplay which deals with Eichman's escape after WWII and subsequent hunt by the Mossad to track him down. The tone is being described as similar to Argo, but it sounds a lot like The Debt or even Munich. [Deadline]