
Provocative NSFW Trailer For Sundance Drama, 'White Girl'

Considering she had the guts to give her first feature the provocative title of White Girl, it's clear director Elizabeth Wood isn't going to pull any punches. Premiering at Sundance to strong reviews, the film is pretty simple in premise. Morgan Saylor (Homeland) plays New York college student who finds the adventure she's been looking for by falling in love with a drug dealer. When he goes away to prison, she's forced to go to extreme lengths to get him back. Here's the synopsis:

The cross section between New York’s mean streets and its gentrified alcoves makes for potent social satire in Elizabeth Wood’s tough and exhilarating debut. Equipped with platinum blonde hair and a winning smile, college girl Leah (Morgan Saylor) seeks out pleasure in any form. She has two weeks before fall semester, and in between getting high with her roommate and snorting lines with her boss, she finds time to hit it off with a handsome, young Puerto Rican drug dealer named Blue. Within days, the two are selling dime bags to her affluent white colleagues, collecting fast cash, and living the high life. But their euphoria comes to a grinding halt once Blue is arrested and Leah’s left with a hefty amount of his coke. Does she sell it to save him or use it herself?

If the name Elizabeth Wood sounds familiar, it's because she was recently listed as a candidate for the Captain Marvel gig. Marvel has certainly been keeping their eyes towards the indie scene so anything is possible, and having her name attached to a major superhero film can only help draw some attention to White Girl when it opens on September 16th. Check out the trailer below.