
BATTLE ROYALE to be Re-Released in 3-D!

Y'know, this might be a stupid decision but I don't care. Toei, the Japanese studio responsible for Battle Royale, one of my favorite films of all-time, has revealed that they will be post-converting the 2000 classic into 3-D for a theatrical re-release.

For those that don't know, Battle Royale is the story of a futuristic Japanese society in which bad students are sent to a remote island. There they are equipped with various weapons and forced to kill eachother until only one remains.  Based off the 1999 novel by Koushun Takami, it is one of Japan's biggest theatrical hits ever.  It spawned a 2003 sequel, Battle Royale II: Requiem which was...um, not as good.

So Battle Royale isn't exactly a visual tour de force, and adding 3-D after the fact isn't going to improve its look. The reason why I'm psyched is because it might finally hit theaters here in the States, and I'll get to see it on the big screen. Sure I've watched it at least 50 times at home on my own big screen, but it's just not the same. Here's hoping this isn't a Japan only release, because for some reason I don't think my girlfriend will understand when I tell her I'm flying to Tokyo to catch a flick. There are limits to her understanding nature, I'm sure.