Well, not really....just seemed like a catchy title. The truth is Hollywood, in particular Sony, has been trying to put the world's most famous magician (Suck it David Blaine!) on the big screen for quite some time. Well now it seems they are kicking into gear again and are currently in talks with
I Am Legend director Francis Lawrence to helm the film. Personally, I would LOVE to see this happen. Admittedly I was a bit of a Houdini fanboy as a child and even went through a phase where I wanted to be a magician, still, I believe my eagerness to see this film is not without its unbiased merits. Houdini lived a very mysterious life and was to his time what, (I can't believe I'm going to say this), Justin Beiber is to current times. He was a rock star, a bonafide celebrity rock star...just instead of doing groupies and heroin he would chain himself up in a box full of water and hope he could escape in time. Hell, even his death is still a mystery, most people probably think he died performing an escape, others go with the "punched in the stomach" scenario, with the truth lying somewhere toward the latter. He died of appendicitis which may or may not have been aggravated by blows to the stomach. In any event we will keep our ears to the ground on further developments related to this possible film. Stay Tuned!