Paramount has pulled Beverly Hills Cop 4 from the release schedule completely after it had been set to open on March 25th 2016. There have been various attempts to relaunch Beverly Hills Cop, including a failed TV series, but progress has been slow. Eddie Murphy told Rolling Stone back in January that the script was still a big concern of his...
“They’re still trying to get that script right. I’m not doing a Beverly Hills Cop unless they have a really incredible script. I’ve read a couple things that look like they can make some paper. But I’m not doing a shitty movie just to make some paper. The shit got to be right.”
Brett Ratner is still attached to direct, while Josh Appelbaum and Andre Nemec wrote the latest script. In the end this may be a good thing as it should get further away from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. But that assumes Beverly Hills Cop 4 is put back on the schedule at all. [TheWrap]