Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Judging by the fact that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is the highest grossing Wednesday opener ever, chances are you've already seen this and have formulated your opinion. But in case you've been living in subspace for the last few years, this much anticipated sequel pits the heroic Autobots against The Fallen, one of the original Primes and ultimate leader of the Decepticons. Michael Bay returns as director so expect more explosions, more 'bots, more low angle rotating shots, and gratuitous panning down of the camera when Megan Fox is on screen. If you spit, you're likely to hit a theatre that this thing is playing at.
My Sister's Keeper

Shoot me now! If the trailer alone is enough to make it all dusty in the theatre, then just how many heartstrings will the movie itself pull? I'm not exactly into seeing this because it's a no win scenario for me. If I let it get to me, then I'm a big fat punk who lets weepy tearjerkers get to him. But if I don't feel anything(most likely), then I'm an unemotional android. I've somewhat committed to going to see this with the Meetup gang sometime soon, but I think I might be coming down with a slight case of Bubonic Plague. Then again, I would pay to see that scene with Cameron Diaz looking all Curly-esque at the cancer walk.
The Stoning of Soraya M.

I have a thing for Shohreh Aghdashloo. As an actress, I mean. I think she's an absolutely brilliant, powerful presence on screen and I love her in everything. Even when she was on 24 she was one of the few bright spots of that lousy season. The Stoning of Soraya M. details the true story of a woman sentenced to death by stoning. No, not like 200 years ago. Like now. Modern times. Barbaric, right? The film depicts some of the crueler aspects of Iranian "justice", so is it any surprise that the film is banned there? This is currently playing at Landmark E Street and AMC Shirlington.
What else?
I'm seeing Francis Ford Coppola's Tetro this afternoon after apparently the fates decided to plot against me on Wednesday. Everything from awkwardly timed appointments to 2 hour NON-RUSH HOUR traffic stood in my way. The only thing that can stop me this time is a poorly timed phone call from my boss. Probably just jinxed myself.

One film that is out in limited but not yet in DC is Kathryn Bigelow's controversial Iraq war film, The Hurt Locker. This one has caused a stir ever since it debuted in Toronto last year, and I for one can hardly wait. It's about a bomb disposal unit during it's final days of deployment that gets sucked into a brutal urban warfare. Looks and sounds amazing. I might hold a Meetup for this one once a release date for DC is nailed down.