
Time for a rant: Movies not screened for critics

You'll see in the graph above a listing of movies not screened for critics and their respective scores on rotten tomatoes. I do not propose this as a bad thing, you know what...for that matter I'll just say it F most critics. They make me sick, never have I met such a group of self indulgent WEINERS (Movie refernce:Comment with the answer for a prize), who have their jobs so ass backwards it'd almost be funny if it wasn't so sad. It sickens me how smart and refined these people think they are because they waste their time watching artsy movies that are about as fun as reading War and Peace during a colonoscopy. Shit, half of you are so easily swayed by a little studio swag that you'll give a good rating to the worst peice of shite you can find for a few t-shirts and a beer coozie. Why do you go to the movies? I go to have fun, to watch something that will amuse, scare, or enlighten me, not to try and decipher some shit that a long haired unshaven, unbathed, douche of a writer wrote specifically so people could feel smart when they figured out his obvious sub plot. Back to the point of this story....all of the movies on the list, well they did pretty allright at the box office for the most part. What does this tell us? That the average critic is too busy trying to impress his/her critic friends with a flashy quote line bashing the latest big budget movie thats hip to bash (See Transformers 2), then to tell the public if they'll like the movie or not. YOU'RE OUT OF TOUCH PEOPLE! I mean come on...the average 30 year old man or woman would much rather see Terminator: Salvation (which was a letdown for me but fun nonetheless), than freakin' 'Frost/Nixon' or 'The Reader'. Yeah they are great cinematic accomplishments but you are missing the point of why the average joe goes to the movies, and that is to be ENTERTAINED. Anyway, that's my rant for the day and dear readers know that we Punch Drunk Critics try to bring you fair and honest reviews and news of the movies you'll actually want to see. We will not sell out, we will not back down, WE WILL NEVER LOSE OUR FREEDOM!!!!....oops, gotta a lil hyped there...forgot all we do is watch movies then type about them, but in that arena of typing we will be sure to let you know what you will have a good time with.