I realized that Sunday mornings are generally a lost time for me. I spend them basically staring at my fantasy football team and listening to football podcasts until 1pm when I shut myself off to the outside world. Rarely does the subject of movies even come up, so I figured why waste that time? The least I can do is clue everybody in on the best sh*t that's out there right now. So that's what this is. 4th & Short will be where I'll clue you in on the 3 best movies still in theatres right now, plus my DVD pick of the week. I might even keep it up after football season, which I like to call "The Dead Season".
3. Paranormal Activity
The film that has sparked a national phenomenon is the perfect date movie for Halloween season. Creepy enough to have you quivering under your covers at night, but without the over-the-top gore and senseless violence that have dominated "horror" films of late, Paranormal Activity's micro-budget bonanaza is worth every bit of the hype.
2. Zombieland
Who ever thought the end of the world could be so much fun? Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg take us on the world's craziest road trip. Think of it as an American version of Shaun of the Dead, only wackier. Throw in a pair of scheming con artists, a search for the final Twinkie on Earth, and the worst trip to an amusement park since the Griswolds and you've got the most fun movie in theatres right now.
1. Where the Wild Things Are
The most visually mesmerizing film of the year(sorry, 9!) is also the most fully realized. An adaptation of Maurice Sendak's gloriously vivid children's book, director Spike Jonze uses his surreal visual style, combined with a haunting soundtrack to capture the whirl of emotions inherent in every single one of us. Along with the considerable voice talents of James Gandolfini, Lauren Ambrose, and others, this is a film that can be loved by everyone: kids and adults alike.
DVD Pick: Drag Me to Hell (2009)
Sam Raimi's return to the genre that made him famous more than 25 years ago is one of the most enjoyable films of the year. Raimi brings a sense of fun back to horror, something's that's been missing for ages. Alison Lohman plays a hot, upstart loan officer looking to impress her boss. Unfortunately it comes at the expense of a poor old gypsy woman trying not to lose her home. Well, revenge can be a real bitch, and when the old woman curses her, all Hell literally breaks loose. Not the most gory film you'll see this year, but be prepared for plenty of gross out moments and without a doubt one of the most laugh out loud final scenes in horror history.