
Bill Murray in for Ghostbusters 3!!!.......as a ghost?

I wasn't going to comment on this because everyone else has and to be honest the whole thing stinks, true or not. The story has been circulating around the net and basically goes something like this. Bill Murray has said that he will indeed do a third Ghostbusters film but not as the living breathing Peter Venkman, he'll be a ghost this time around. I'm assuming that he will be the friendly sort to the gang, like Slimer in the 2nd movie and the cartoon but I don't see this working well. I really should know better than to doubt Murray's talent and ability to make anything enjoyable especially after his cameo in 'Zombieland', but I just DON'T want to see a Venkman-less Ghostbuster's movie. He was the soul and lifeblood of what made the originals so special, think about it what good scenes were there in GB that didn't involve Murray. He'll he was the only watchable thing about the sequel. Him being a ghost just seems....I don't know...jive I guess is the word. I'm sure if they go the way they've been thinking where the movie is based on the old guys handing over the reigns to the younger guys, who are rumored to be Seth Rogen and crew, than he will be a phantasmal mentor who pops in at oppertune times to make a joke or haunt Mr. Walter Peck. Either way the whole thing seems crazy, like cats and dogs living together crazy.