It's not often that any franchise sees it's highest numbers this deep in, but the 4th Resident Evil flick has accomplished exactly that. Then again there wasn't a heckuva lot else to see this week ,was there?
2. Takers
The heist flick jumped back into the #2 slot by suffering a meager 44% drop from last week.
3. The American
Hey, I loved it. Apparently everybody else who saw it told their friends that Clooney ain't exactly Jason Bourne in this contemplative thriller.
4. Machete
Hey, it's still beating out Grindhouse. Not by much though.
5. Going the Distance
6. The Other Guys
7. The Last Exorcism
8. The Expendables
Considering the slow crawl to a $100M, I wouldn't be so sure a sequel is as guaranteed as we thought.
9. Inception
10. Eat Pray Love