But no so fast, as Cinemablend is reporting that the studio now has their own heart(and wallets) set to sign Sandra Bullock for the part, which is said to be very intensive with the lead character on screen by herself for large portions of the film. So in order or this whole project to work, an actress with some serious drawing power would be required, but she also needs to be able to carry the action and emotional burden pretty much by herself. Not many actresses can pull that off. I don't count Bullock as being one of those actresses.
Don't get me wrong, I think she's fine most of the time. I just don't consider Bullock to be a very nuanced actress. She picks a personality and a tone for a character and rides it out. The Blind Side
I can see the studio's side of it. They expect that Bullock will draw in a much larger crowd than Portman, and they might be right. Then again, are any of her fans gonna go see a some unknown sci-fi flick made by a mostly unknown director? Doubt it. Portman not only would come cheaper, but I think she's more suited for the role. Not to mention I'd much rather see her in a tight flightsuit than Bullock any day. I can't wait to see how this all plays out. It's possible that if Warner Brothers can't find a top notch actress the entire project could be shut down, so the stakes are as high as they get.