The similarities between Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises and Frank Miller's seminal 1986 graphic novel, The Dark Knight Returns, stretch far beyond just the title. Both feature a Gotham City that hasn't seen Batman in years, forced into retirement by an untrusting populace who fears and hates him. That is until the a villain's emergence forces him to don the cape and cowl once again and defend the city he's sworn to protect. More than that, we get a Batman who is older, broken down, and full of self doubt. The Dark Knight Returns is without a doubt the greatest Batman story ever told, and fans who are going through withdrawals now that Nolan's trilogy is over have somewhere else they can turn.
The trailer for the animated Batman: The Dark Knight Returns pt. 1 has been released, and it looks like a nearly perfect interpretation of Miller's dark and seedy story. It's the return of Harvey Dent as Two-Face who brings Batman out of retirement, along with a vicious group known as The Mutants who begin to emulate the caped crusader's vigilante style. There's also a female Robin, the return of the Joker, and an intense fight to the death between Batman and Superman. You'll probably have to wait for the second Blu-Ray for that, but if you read the comics then you know poignant and tragic it is to watch those two old friends go at it.
So if you like your Batman older and voiced by Peter Weller(!!!), then this is the film for you. Honestly, it looks incredible, and I'll be buying a copy myself when it hits store shelves on September 25th. You can pre-order yours here, then check out the trailer below....
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