
Patrick Stewart will be back as Charles Xavier, but in what movie?

I think people underestimate just how badly the X-men franchise was damaged by X-men: The Last Stand. Not only was it just a terribly written film, with too many characters and no clear direction, but it also takes a number of the most important characters totally off the board.  Finding a way to bounce back from that is a big reason why we haven't seen X-men 4 yet, and why plans for it to ever happen are still very much up in the air. There is hope, though, and Patrick Stewart just gave eager X-men fans a healthy dose of it.

While attending the Montreal Comic Convention, Stewart, who played Professor Charles Xavier in all three previous films and that awful Wolverine flick, was asked by a fan if he'd ever come back for another X-men movie. He responded with a smile before saying....

Stewart: “I think there is every possibility.”

He then proceeded to run down all of his female co-stars, including Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, and Famke Janssen(he screwed up Rebecca Romijn's name) before ending with "yes, I'll be reprising...". 

So what does this mean exactly? Is Xavier going to turn up in X-men: Days of Future Past in a cameo much like he did in X-men Origins: Wolverine? It could make for a funny scene if James McAvoy's young Xavier runs across Stewart's older version. Or does Stewart know something about an X-men 4 that he's not telling?

This is all pure speculation and hopeful thinking on my part, but I'm of the belief that there's a very specific reason why Matthew Vaughn chose to use the time-hopping Days of Future Past for his X-men: First Class sequel. It opens up the door to basically rewrite all the crap that was done in X-men: The Last Stand. In a way he'd be pulling much the same thing as J.J. Abrams' Star Trek. I hope that's the case. We'll find out more before X-men: Days of Future Past opens on July 18th 2014. [Newsarama]