
Black Widow Falls for Ultron in SNL's 'Black Widow: Age of Me'

Ever since the character debuted in Iron Man 2, fans have been asking about a Black Widow solo film. Well, it's not happening. Not for awhile, anyway, and that has led to some in the industry openly attacking Marvel about it, claiming sexism. Those charges certainly aren't helped when Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner pop off at the mouth like a couple of fratboys, but it's led them wide open to some serious criticism. And now they're even getting mocked by SNL and Black Widow herself, Scarlett Johansson, who hosted the show last night.

Johansson stars in the fake trailer for Black Widow: Age of Me, a Sex in the City/The Devil Wears Prada-style romcom in which she falls in love with Ultron. "Chill! Marvel gets women", the narrator cautions the eager fanboys. 

With a Captain Marvel film on the way from a pair of talented female writers, maybe that will quiet some of the critics out there? Probably not.