Consider this the most surprising news I've read all year. Variety is reporting that Adrien Brody(The Pianist, The Brothers Bloom) has signed on take over the lead in Robert Rodriguez's action juggernaut, Predators! Brody will be taking on a role similar to the one made famous by the Governator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, that of a merc who's team becomes prey to a murderous alien hunter.
Brody has already signed options to appear in future films of the potential franchise. This would be Brody's first turn as an action hero star.
Kindof a big leap from the Governator to The Pianist, right? I imagine he'll be bulking up big time for the role, poppin' a few roids...er, vitamins and rounding himself into shape. The addition of Brody further illustrates my point that anybody expecting this to be a straight remake of the original Predator needs to think again. This is clearly Rodriguez and director Nimrod Antal's baby and they are doing whatever they want with it. Brody's one of my favorite actors, and I'm curious to see how he handles a role such as this.