
Daniel Bruhl joins 'A Most Wanted Man' as production begins

With production beginning on Anton Corbijn's adaptation of John Le Carre's A Most Wanted Man, a number of new additions and an official synopsis have helped clear up some confusion about the cast. A new press release has revealed that Inglourious Basterds star Daniel Bruhl has come aboard along with a number of other lesser known German actors to round out the final roster. The film has long starred Philip Seymour Hoffman and Rachel McAdams, but reports last month had them replaced by Willem Dafoe and Robin Wright. Turns out that wasn't the case.

Hoffman and McAdams are still leading the film, with Dafoe and Wright staying on. That's an awesome foursome, and working alongside the talented Corbijn who has scored with both Control and The American, it should make for an intense spy thriller. Check out the newly released plot synopsis below.....

When a half-Chechen, half-Russian, tortured half-to-death immigrant turns up in Hamburg’s Islamic community, laying claim to his father’s ill gotten fortune, both German and US security agencies take a close interest: as the clock ticks down and the stakes rise, the race is on to establish this most wanted man’s true identity - oppressed victim or destruction-bent extremist?
Poignant, compassionate and thrilling, A MOST WANTED MAN prickles with tension right through to its last heart-stopping scene. It is a cerebral tale of intrigue that is both contemporary and deeply human, touching on love, rivalry, politics and the world we live in.

After Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Le Carre films are red hot right now, so look for A Most Wanted Man to make some serious waves next year.